Monday, October 15, 2012

some animals

 I had the day off from work today... turns out I drew more animals than I thought I would...

a Fox

A painting I did this morning. Something to pass the time while I'm waiting to go to the next step on my sacred heart bread box.  Damn, oils try my patience.
Acrylic on Masonite. 8 1/2 x 11 1/4 "

Saturday, October 13, 2012

repairs on a thing

Hello world. I am "fixing up" a bread box that my friend Hannah had for my personal amusement. I have taken off the door that was in pieces, glued it back together, and put a fabric front on it. Sanded down the magnet removing the rust and almost ready to put back on. I sanded down the sides since it had years of hand grime built up all over the top and sides and started painting the top with a sacred heart (this version usually seen with the Virgin Mary).

I am working with oils for the first time in six or seven years. I absolutely hated it before (oils I mean) but I thought it would suit my needs for this box and added bonus: I have to go to work and let it dry in the mean time... giving me a sort of forced patience for the next step in my project. It's not done yet. I am going to add details to the whole thing and then put a fun design coming outward from the heart as the very last step.

We'll see how I do!

Edit: Sorry for the low grade photos. I've lost my battery charger for the digital camera...

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Dia De Los Muertos ready to go "HMG"

So I gave up on the other one I was working on... I just wasn't getting anything right and I didn't like the colors I was using, plus the delicacy of the fabric meant I could not remove the stitching and try again so HERE is my new piece. A small quilted piece using some of my friends clothes I inherited. the purple fabric was a shirt, the green checkers was one of her dresses and the black backing was a dress of mine that she used to borrow a lot in Austin. I stitched a dragon fly similar to the tattoo she had on her shoulder. I used a darker thread for the dragon fly since I didn't want it to be too prominent.

Come support Lawndale Art Center October 22 - November 10, 2012. Half of the proceeds go to Lawndale (and if the retablo sells, the artist gets the other half).

11x11 fabric and thread mounted with Masonite.